Being a mother of twins this business was born out of things I needed to support my new

lifestyle and family. This is why I wanted to start a business that reflected my demands. Having used a verity of services and provided customer service and therapy over the last 15 years I felt that I would be able to transfer these skills and use them by setting up Simmy's Helping Hands by providing clients with a quality service which is in demand.

From a young age, I always knew I wanted to help people after I got over the idea of becoming an Astronomer. After completing my A levels, I decided to focus my studies in the area of Dance and Psychology. After completing my joint degree majoring in Psychology I went on to further my studies in Counselling and gave up my dancing shoes and devoted myself to becoming a Counselling Psychologist. During my Doctorate, I got married and became very unwell (not due to being married to my husband). I found out that I had a condition called Endometriosis. I had
suffered for many years with this condition which can not only be emotionally draining but physically too. I had my fair share of surgeries, medication and following the birth of my twins have gotten better but still have bad days and months. Throughout that experience I was lucky enough to have my friends and family support. I managed to hold down my jobs and studies although very challenging at the time. I've learned to accept that I will have endometriosis for the rest of my life, it won't stop me from succeeding it just may slow me down at times. Having this disability will never stop me from doing what I love and care about.

When I was at one of my lowest points in continuous excoriating pain whilst also
having to take out a grievance with my ex-boss (which I won) the one thing that got me through was my clients. Having someone confide in you their fears, struggles inner most secrets is a responsibility I very seriously. I would not let my Endometriosis, contractions or my work situation with my boss get in the way of supporting someone who has made the first steps towards change get in the way. Throughout this difficult period my husband, family, friends and most importantly clients kept me going. I'll never forget coming back from hours of investigations and receiving a letter sent to me by a client thanking me for my support. This client will never know how much her words meant to me when I was going through one of the toughest times of my life. I will always be eternally grateful for her kinds words for as much as she thanked me for my help and support she saved me from walking away and not standing up for myself and in a way, lead me to where I am now on this new journey with Simmy's Helping Hands.
Return to Work....I QUIT

When my maternity time was over I was faced with returning back to work, the reality and anxiety of leaving my twin boys was unbearable and I decided with the support of my husband that I needed more time with my young children.
When discussing with my husband the financial costs of hiring a full-time nanny or sending them to a private nursery we realised the costs of having twins was expensive and the majority of my pay wouldn't even cover these costs when you take into consideration travel expenses etc. So, in effect we could not even afford me if I did the jobs paid full time (nanny of twins, cleaner, cook and all the other jobs we as stay at home parents do).
Getting help

I managed for a few months doing these various jobs alone when at times I was exhausted,
in pain from my endometriosis and recovering from my C Section. My husband pointed out to me that I could not do everything myself and that we should employ someone to help us. His point being that I would eventually shut down physically and emotionally at the rate I was going which was nonstop. So, we decided to get a cleaner to help around the house for a few hours one day a week. It took a while to find someone who understood my needs, being considerate of new born twin’s routine and was also able to use their initiative around the home. Having used cleaning services in the past on and off when needed I was very aware of the time needed to find the someone and equally aware that you do need to give the person time to settle in. It took a while to find that special someone and then she left me when she got pregnant. So, the search commenced again and after 2/3 cleaners I found the one who is like a family member to us. I have had surgeons, doctors, teachers, musicians, OCD cleaners working for me, it just goes to show that you never know who you may meet and I've learned so much from them too whilst in their presence.
The Birth Of Simmy's Helping Hands

Every Year for the last 5 my husband and I attended franchise shows to see what’s new and in the current market. I started looking into ways which I could live a life based around my needs and my family's. I found a Franchise but my territory was taken and that's when I decided to do it alone and Simmy's Helping Hands was born. To be in control of all of my choices and decisions is paramount. I wanted to do more than just offer domestic services, I wanted to have control over how I would engage and interact with clients, market new products, expand and so forth. I really wanted flexibility and control and not to be made to feel discriminated against because of my disability directly or even indirectly. I know I have dedication, strength, perseverance and faith that I will succeed in helping others in any way I can given the chance.
So, the journey begins and I hope you will join me along the way and spread the word if you desire.